
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Workout: April 17, 2013

Wednesdays are days that I sometimes work out with one of the girls on the frisbee team that Joey coaches, but today I was on my own. Sometimes it's nice to do the workout myself, to be able to just zone out and go my own pace. Anyway, this is what I did! Like I said on Monday, I definitely tried to focus more on my legs in the strength circuit.

Assisted Pullups:
90lb assistance
Set 1: 9; Set 2: 6; Set 3: 5
Post Sets: +4 after the first 3 sets, +6 after the circuit, +3 after the extra pullup exercises
Total: 33

1 minute on, 30 seconds off
Repeat circuit 3x

Extra Pullup Exercises:
Wide Grip Front Lat Pulldowns: 2x15 at 70lbs, 1x15 at 60lbs
Seated Narrow Grip Row: 2x15 at 70lbs, 1x15 at 60lbs

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