
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Workout: May 13th, 2013

This was my first workout since the cruise, and the first full workout I had done in 2 weeks. It was painful! I intentionally didn't do as much as I normally would, to try to ease myself back into the routine.

I started out with my assisted pullups. I wasn't sure what to expect here. Sometimes, I can do more of them when my arms have had a few days to rest. I just didn't know if 2 weeks was enough time to start to lose muscle. Thank goodness, they didn't go too badly.

Assisted Pullups:
90lbs: 10, 10, 5
100lbs: 6

I skipped the lat pulldowns and seated rows, since I figured just doing the pullups and KB would make my arms pretty sore. I might start those up again on Wednesday.

Since my training plan just has me doing 2 easy miles this week, I decided to add them to my strength workouts. This will give me more time on my free days to pack...ugh
I did 2 miles at 5.8mph on the treadmill. I'm embarrassed to admit how hard it was. I got a pretty bad cramp in my right side, and everything just hurt. Hopefully it was just this one time, and now I'm loosened up enough to do the next runs no problem.

KB Card: Level 2 - Lightning Rounds
For each set of 3 exercises, do as many as you can in 3 minutes. (For example - for set 1, do 10 swings, 10 squats, 5 walk out planks, then repeat as many times as you can until the 3 minutes are up)
Rest 2 minutes between sets.
I used a 20lb KB, and went through twice.

Set 1:
Swings: 10
Goblet Squats: 10
Walk-out Planks: 5

Set 2:
Clean and Press: 5 each side
Goblet Lunge: 5 each side
Figure 8 to a Stop: 10

Set 3:
American Swings: 10
Grand Ribbon: 10
Triple Crush: 5

This is a deceptively hard card. It's the first level 2 card I tried initially, and it seemed just as hard last night as it did that day a couple months ago. In the 3rd set, my grip actually starts to give out before my muscles or lungs do.

Then I did some abs, since I had some time before Joey was going to meet me. I did 50 crunches with my feet down, knees bent. Then 50 crunches with my legs in the air. 50 on each side (for the obliques). And ended with 50 bicycles.

Ooh, I ordered a yoga towel from Amazon! Even though I don't do hot yoga, my hands still get a little slippery, and it makes it difficult to do even just downward facing dog. I ordered a yoga towel that has a grippy back, so it's supposed to stick to the yoga mat. I think this will solve my problem, plus it'll add another layer so it should be pretty comfy. I should be trying it out on Thursday, so I'll give an update as to how it works out.

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