
Monday, June 17, 2013

Belated Post - Garden Update (from 6/15/13) + Yogurt Parfait

We moved on Saturday! Yes, I know I already posted about moving. This was the second move in 2 weeks, but is also the final move (at least for the next year). Even though the place is a mess and I don't know where anything is, I'm so happy!

In the midst of moving, I remembered that Saturday was going to be garden update day. I rushed outside to take some quick pictures of the garden. And then promptly forgot about it until now! Anyway, here they are:

Kumquat Tree

Bottom: Cinnamon Basil, Right: Sunflower       Left: Dill, Bottom: Roma Tomato, Right: Rosemary
                                                                           Top Left: Radishes, Top Right: Chives
Tomato plant with 4 baby tomatoes growing!

Left and Top Right: Roma Tomatoes; Bottom Right: Bell Peppers

Top: Broccoli (being destroyed by green wormy things); Bottom: Parsley

Top: Buttercrunch lettuce on left, Thyme on right
Bottom: Swiss Chard

From left to right: Eggplant, Basil, Scallions, Thyme

After part one of our move, I made myself a yogurt + fruit + granola parfait. I was curious how much of everything was going in, so I weighed (and tared) it as I added it (and then took step-by-step pictures of the process)
 Cut-up fresh strawberries

 Diced mango

 Blueberries (freshly picked)

 Raspberries (also freshly picked)

Homemade strawberry jam

Fage 2% Greek Yogurt

Homemade granola

Since I had the exact measurements, I could get a pretty accurate estimate of the nutritional information. Of course the jam is a guess.

475 calories
11.3 g fat
82.9 g carbs
9.3 g fiber
22.2 g protein

Not bad for a post-moving snack/lunch!

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