
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Running and Blueberries

After close to two weeks of no running, I finally got in a run today. There were a lot of things out of my control, like moving, and getting no sleep due to mysterious hives (they all went away and no new ones since Saturday morning, thank goodness), but I also just didn't really want to. Yesterday I started thinking that a run could be nice. I almost contemplated getting up early this morning to go on one, but stopped once I got into bed past midnight. I had originally planned on doing yoga this afternoon, since I have an experiment on Thursday. The summer instructor schedule changes every week, and I found out that my least favorite instructor was teaching today. That took yoga off the agenda, and I immediately decided to go on a run instead. I am such a baby about running in the heat (especially when it's 80+ and humid), so I went to the AFC instead. All of the good treadmills were taken, so I went upstairs to the indoor track. And there, I had a really nice run, which made me remember why I enjoy doing it in the first place.

I did 3 easy miles, in 29:52 (9:57/mile pace). Then I did some sprints - I went full speed for half a lap (~75 meters), then a slow jog for a full lap (~150 meters), and did that 3 times in a total of 3:55. I finished off with some walking, to do a total of 4 miles in 41:33.

Then I rushed home, showered, and headed out for blueberry and raspberry picking! There's a place called The Berry Patch ~30 minutes from UVA. They don't have a website, so you have to call their hotline to find out when the picking season starts, and what their hours are. I called this morning on my walk into work, and was very excited to hear that they just opened! They specifically said that the blueberries were great, but the raspberries were of poor quality and there weren't many of them. I covered all of my skin with long pants and long sleeves, to ward off the hives I normally get from coming into contact with fruit bushes and plants (I'm basically allergic to nature) and planned on getting lots and lots of blueberries. And that I did! We picked 10 pints of blueberries, and 2 pints of raspberries! The best part is that the total came to $17. It would have been at least three times that in the store.

Of course by the time I got home I was starving. After the gym I had a granola bar, some powerade, and a handful of dried fruit and nuts. Nothing sounded good to me once I got home. I was seriously considering cereal and ice cream until Joey gave me the idea of a sandwich. And that is how this creation was born:

Recipe: Mustard and Brown Sugar Tilapia Sandwich with Spinach, Tomato and Feta
From: Me
Yield: 1

1 tilapia filet
~1 tbsp dijon mustard
1 tsp brown sugar
handful spinach leaves
2-3 big slices of tomato
2 slices feta (in brine)
your favorite sandwich bread/bun

Preheat oven to 375 F. Line a pan with foil. Put the tilapia on the pan, sprinkle with s&p. Spread the mustard on top of the fish, then sprinkle with brown sugar.
Bake ~10 minutes, or until fish flakes easily with fork.

Assemble the sandwich in whichever order you would prefer, but this is how I did it:
Bottom bread
Spinach leaves
Top bread

Slice sandwich (if you dare - it will be very tall) and enjoy!

Then for dessert I had a yogurt with my delicious raspberries! It was one of the new chobani flip yogurts - coconut greek yogurt with toasted almonds and dark chocolate. I couldn't think of anything better to go with it than my fresh raspberries. Yum.

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