
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Workout Recap - Kettle bells + 3 days of challenge

I completely forgot to tell you about challenge day 6! (Remember day 5 was a rest day)
We got back from dinner and a movie Saturday night, and I decided that I had to do my workout right then. I stripped down to my underwear, swapped out a regular bra for a sports bra, and just got going. Here's what I did. (I did 50 standard crunches and then 25 on each side.)

I missed my challenge workout (day 7) on Sunday. But remember workout lesson #3? Be flexible! (That applies to the day 6 workout as well.) I just woke up early on Monday, did it first thing. Then I did Monday's challenge at night as part of my KB workout. Perfect - no harm done. I did 10x2 ab extenders and 15x2 standard crunches.

For my KB workout, I stole one of Joey's workouts again and made a few variations. Luckily most of my challenge was done throughout the workout, so I didn't have much left to do at the end.
I went first through Power, then Century, and finally 10-2 Ladder. I ended with the last few things of the 31-day challenge. For the 4 minute AMAP, I got through it fully once, and only halfway the second time.

I used the heart rate monitor, also!
In a 1:01 KB workout, I burned 650 calories, had an average heart rate of 159, max heart rate of 180, and was "in zone" for 30:13. After I finished, I kept the heart rate monitor going to see how much I continued to burn. Over the next 15 minutes I burned 71 calories, with an average heart rate of 108 and max heart rate of 136. Just interesting to know that I keep burning calories after the workout has finished. And of course working out is supposed to keep your metabolism up, for up to 24 hours after.

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