
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Workout Recap - Running on July 7th

I actually got in a run! I spent a lot of July 4th talking to people about running, about my plans for the Charlottesville Women's 4 Miler, about my potential plans to run a bigger race in the future, and then realized that I was spending more time talking about running than actually running. I woke up before Joey and very quietly got dressed and left him a note. I headed down to the apartment gym, only to find it was still locked!! So frustrating! We were told that the gym would be open at 6am, but here it was 9:30 and still locked. I came back upstairs, sulked a bit...then Joey got up maybe 10 minutes later and made me stop. He had to go into lab, so he drove me to the AFC :) I was planning on doing 3 miles total, and was thinking about splitting it up between the treadmill and the indoor track. I started on the treadmill, since the indoor track is more enjoyable, and would be better to end off the run. I started off at a slow pace on the treadmill, and decided to do 2 miles there before switching. At 1.75 miles I bumped up the pace to finish out, and then it actually started to feel good. I stayed on the treadmill and kept the pace up, even increased it a bit toward the end.

I ended up doing 3 miles in 30:46, and then walked a bit for a total of 3.26 miles in 34:47, burning 361 calories. I ended with an abs set: 50 leg down crunches, 50 leg up crunches, 50 left side crunches, 50 right side crunches, 25 v-ups. It felt good to run again! Of course now it has been 1 week since that run, and I have not done any running since. I'm planning for tomorrow!!

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