
Monday, August 26, 2013

Fantastic Weekend - The Best of Charlottesville

I just had the best weekend ever. My best friend visited from New York, and we basically did everything that you can do in Charlottesville. I spent a lot of time planning her visit, and then we were really busy during our fun packed weekend, so I have a major backlog of posts to put up!

Here's what we did:
Stef got in Thursday afternoon, then we went to Trader Joe's to stock up on some goodies. She introduced me to their cold brew coffee, which was surprisingly good. We tried out one of their new products, edamame tofu nuggets, and they were delicious! After we got back, we went to the corner to meet my friend Emily for coffee. Next, we went back out for more grocery shopping, this time to Cville Market. We bought everything we needed for dinner that night and picnic lunch the next day. Once we got back, we made two pizzas, and drank some nice white wine.

Friday, we got up bright and early to go on a run at Riverview Park. I had planned on doing 4 miles, but the weather was just too humid - I felt like I couldn't breathe. I managed 3 miles, and then we headed back to shower and get ready before going out to meet Sarah for coffee. We went to Para Coffee, and I really liked it. I hadn't been there in a really long time. After coffee, we went back to pack up our picnic lunch, and headed out for a day at the wineries. The weather was really crappy - the humidity from the morning turned into rain the entire rest of the day. We went to Barboursville Vineyards first, where we tried ~19 different wines. Next we went to Keswick Vineyards - this is where we had our picnic lunch. I had planned on eating outside, but instead we camped out on their covered porch. We had multi-grain baguette, baba ghanoush, different kinds of cheese, quinoa salad, fruit, etc. Finally, we went to Castle Hill Cider. I think that Barboursville was my favorite of the three places we went to. You got to try a ton of different wines, and their wines were the best (in my opinion).

On the way back home, we stopped at Kroger for the rest of our shopping. We made pretzel rolls, homemade veggie burgers, summer fruit cobbler and homemade ice cream. We must have been all wined out, since we didn't have any, and I didn't even think about offering it!

Saturday we walked to the farmers market and met up with my friend Emily and her two kids. We wandered around for a while, then bought a few things - a candle, some purple potatoes, bell peppers. Stef got kombucha and I got a popsicle. On the walk back, we stopped at Bodo's to get a bagel sandwich for Joey. He had frisbee practice from 10-2, and would need some instant sustenance when he got back. As soon as he got back and showered, we drove to Humpback Rocks for a hike. We sped up the steep 1 mile hill to the top - the sign says it could take 40 minutes, it took us just 17.5! Stef and Joey were in much better shape for that. We hung out at the top for a bit, took some goofy pictures. Then we continued hiking to the next overlook, before heading back down. I would have to check with Joey, but I would guess we did ~5 miles in just over 2 hours.

We headed back in to Charlottesville, showered and dressed up for dinner, and went out to Tara Thai. Whenever I have guests in town, I have the hardest time coming up with a good place to go out to eat. I always feel like I have to pick something fancy. Joey suggested Thai, and this seemed like the best option. I'm so glad we went there - it was faster and tastier than some of the other more expensive options. We came back and prepped cinnamon rolls for Sunday's breakfast.

Sunday we actually slept in a little, then Stef and I went out on a run. I had planned on doing either a 3 mile or 3.8 mile run, and once I got to the turning point I decided to make it the 3 mile version. But then I didn't even end up doing all of that - once we got to the corner, it was just so crowded, and I was so hot, I walked for a bit. I started running again once we passed the crowds, and ended up running for a total of 2.8 miles. While we were out, Joey started the cinnamon rolls, and made some delicious scrambled eggs with part egg whites. Poor guy had to smell all of the good food cooking while we were out running, and waited for us to come back and shower before eating anything! Stef and I went to the pool for a bit after that, while Joey did the grocery shopping for the week. He made a batch of granola for Stef, since she really seemed to like it. And that basically ended Stef's epic weekend in Charlottesville! I was so happy she came, and we had such a great time.

All of the recipes mentioned here will be posted soon.

Here is more information about the runs and the hike.

3 mile run at Riverview Park on 8/23/13
0.25 in 2:29, 9:56 average pace
0.50 in 4:42, 9:24 average pace (8:52 last 1/4 mile)
0.75 in 7:07, 9:29 average pace (9:40)
1.00 in 9:24 (9:08)
1.25 in 11:34, 9:15 average pace (8:40)
1.50 in 13:43, 9:09 average pace (8:36)
1.75 in 15:56, 9:06 average pace (8:52)
2.00 in 18:07, 9:04 average pace (8:44)
2.25 in 20:39, 9:11 average pace (10:08)
2.50 in 22:55, 9:10 average pace (9:04)
2.75 in 25:11, 9:09 average pace (9:04)
3.03 in 27:35, 9:06 average pace (8:34)

Heart Rate Monitor:
Duration: 0:32:21
Calories Burned: 412
Average Heart Rate: 177 (91.7% of max)
Max Heart Rate: 191 (99% of max)
Time In Zone (65-85%): 0:05:16

~5 Mile Hike at Humpback Rocks on 8/24/13
Heart Rate Monitor:
Duration: 02:17:48
Calories Burned: 883
Average Heart Rate: 122 (63.2% of max)
Max Heart Rate: 174 (90% of max)
Time In Zone (65-85%): 0:38:50

2.8 mile run in town on 8/25/13
0.25 in 2:21, 9:24 average pace
0.50 in 4:44, 9:28 average pace (9:32 in last 1/4 mile)
0.75 in 7:04, 9:25 average pace (9:20)
1.00 in 9:18 (8:56)
1.25 in 11:36, 9:17 average pace (9:12)
1.50 in 13:56, 9:17 average pace (9:20)
1.75 in 16:21, 9:21 average pace (9:40)
2.00 in 18:49, 9:25 average pace (9:52)
Walked for 3 minutes
2.25 in 21:04, 9:22 average pace (9:00)
2.50 in 23:21, 9:20 average pace (9:08)
2.75 in 25:42, 9:21 average pace (9:24)
Total: 2.81 miles in 26:17, 9:21 average pace

Heart Rate Monitor:
Duration: 0:35:33
Calories Burned: 418
Average Heart Rate: 170 (88.1% max)
Max Heart Rate: 187 (96.9% max)
Time in Zone (65-85%): 0:10:02

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