
Sunday, November 3, 2013

8k training: 3 mile run (plus a great Saturday)

I had a really nice Saturday! While Joey went on a 10 mile run, I did a quick 3 mile run. I haven't done my Saturday short runs in a while, I've mostly just focused on the long runs. I was still pretty sore from the KB workout last Wednesday, and thought this would help loosen me up. I did the same route as usual, but planned it out perfectly (without even meaning to) so I could do 3 miles and then do a few speed sets after that. I didn't go fast at all, not even with the speed sets, but felt a little better about myself for doing it.


I made a delicious breakfast after I got up - sauteed a bunch of onions, peppers and mushrooms, put them on top of two pieces of bread (seriously the best bread ever, recipe coming soon), topped with cheese, and then a fried egg. Joey had a double yolk in one of his eggs!

I had my sandwich open faced. Joey made it into a real sandwich, and loaded it up with extra veggies and sliced tomatoes. He cooked the eggs so they weren't super runny, but still had nice soft spreadable yolks

After we chowed down and had a bunch of coffee, we went to Carter Mountain Orchard to pick apples. Joey's favorite apples are Fuji, and I'm torn between Fuji and Pink Ladies. Pink Ladies are the last to become available, and I always cross my fingers that the Fujis will still be there by then. This time we were in luck, those were two of the three apples that were available to be picked! We picked a staggering 20 lbs of apples! Now I need to come up with lots of ideas for ways to use them. After we picked the apples and paid for them, we spent a few minutes just admiring how beautiful the views were. Charlottesville is just gorgeous this time of year.

After fun at the orchard, we ran some errands (Cville Market, Sam's Club, and DSW for a new pair of shoes for me). That night, we tried out a new brewery. A lot of my runs have included going down Grady to Preston, and I keep noticing that there's a new brewery (Three Notch'd Brewery) only 1/4 mile away from where I live. I said to Joey that we should check it out, and then one of our friends asked if we would want to meet for drinks that night. We suggested we go there, and I'm so glad we did! They had, I believe, 6 beers on tap, and all of them tasted great. I really liked their red ale. What I liked the most, is that they had $5 pints, but they also had $3 half pints. Sometimes I don't want to drink my beer too quickly, and am happier with a smaller pour. I can also try out a couple different beers that way without getting crazy full. We will definitely come back here. 

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