
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Workout Recap - Running on July 18th

I decided to try out some of the running playlists I found this past week, on Thursday's run. I settled on the 10.5 minute/mile 5k playlist, figuring that 3 miles sounded about right, and a slow jog was probably what I needed post-KB workout. I found all of Fit Sugar's playlists on spotify, and got a free trial to be able to do it on my phone.

Normally I have long experiment days on Thursdays, making it difficult/impossible to do anything once I get home besides eat dinner and pass out. It also means that I haven't been to any of Joey's summer league ultimate frisbee games. I was excited that I would finally be able to go to a game, but I still wanted to get a workout in. So many of his games have been canceled due to rain that the league decided to make the last few weeks all double-headers. This would be the first one, and games would go from ~5:30-8:45. In order to have time to run, I got home a little before 4, changed, went down to the apartment gym, and got on the treadmill. It was PAINFUL! I started getting some pretty awful side/stomach cramps, and my entire body felt like lead. I managed to "run" 1 mile, then walked 1/4 mile, "run" another mile, then walked for just 1 minute, to finish out by running another 1/2 mile. The first 2 miles of running were at 5.7mph, and I bumped up the pace slightly at the end. I did a total of 2.84 miles (including the walking) in 31:07, burning 349 calories. I was glad that I did it, especially since it stopped hurting as much toward the end.

Here is the playlist I used:
I liked "Dancing Shoes," "My Life Would Suck Without You," "Lucky Strike" and "In Between Days." I noticed that with some of the songs, they may have had the correct number of beats per minute in order to put them on the playlist, but they were pretty mellow. I need a song to pump me up while working out/running!

However, I will say that working out not long before you're planning on being outside in 95+ degree weather for 3+ hours is not the smartest. I took a cold shower, but was already overheated by the time we got to the field. The first game was completely in the sun, and I was sweating just sitting there. I can't even imagine how awful it must have been for the players. The second game was on a different field, and it had some shade. Plus by that time, the sun was going down. I thought that would be a huge relief, but I ended up being in a cold sweat. All in all, I'm really glad I got to see Joey play, but this brings me to:

Workout Lessons Learned:
#2 Don't do a workout right before sitting out in 90+ degree weather for 3-4 hours. You probably need more than a half hour to sufficiently cool back down. 

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