
Friday, September 19, 2014

August Workouts

Hi there. Remember when I used to keep active, and write lots of posts about my workouts? Me too. While a complete lack of workout posts (seriously - one in June, one in July, one in August) might make it seem like I haven't been doing anything lately, I do have some things to share.

If you have no interest in hearing about the workouts/running I did in August, feel free to ignore the rest of this post. This is mostly for my benefit, to keep track of what I've done.

Friday, August 8th: Run in Cville
This weekend was when Joey and I went to Philly to participate in the bachelorette festivities for the upcoming wedding of a good friend. I wanted to try to get in a run before leaving, since I knew I wouldn't have time for anything that weekend. This was a slow run, but I was proud of myself for running farther than I had gone in months. I did it first thing in the morning, and it was a beautiful day for it.

I was very proud of myself, and put this picture on Instagram

Wednesday August 13th: Run in New Jersey
Joey and I were in New Jersey for a few days, and managed to fit in a run (he did two actually). He was wearing the garmin watch when we went on a run together, but he continued on longer than I did. I think I pulled off around 2.8 miles, and then did another 1/3-1/2 mile on my own (and somehow got lost on the way back. I think I went at about a 10.5 min pace the whole time. Oddly, I started to have some strange back pains at the beginning of the run, that lasted the next few days.

Friday August 15th: Strength workout at Madhouse (Arms/Legs/Abs)
I re-used a workout for this one - it can be found here.

Monday August 18th: Yoga on Nameless Field
I did another pop-up yoga class! Unlike the last one, this was not arranged by the AFC, so yoga mats weren't provided. I had misplaced the carrying strap for my mat (I actually JUST found it, so it was missing for a good month or two), so I just brought a big fluffy beach towel. I figured that would be just fine. Not too surprising, but yoga mats are a lot better for yoga than towels! I was slipping all over the place. It was still a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed doing yoga outside.

Tuesday August 19th: Run at Madhouse
I didn't feel like running outside, so I did a run on the treadmill. I started out by running 2.6 miles, then took a 0.25 mile walk break, ran another 0.5 miles, and then walked the last 0.4 miles. I ended up running a total of 3.1 miles in 32:32, at about a 10:30 pace.

Wednesday August 20th: Sparty with Adri at AFC
I don't know where I put the paper with the list of exercises we did! I remember that we did the following:
Inbred Cousin
Ab Extenders
One-Legged Scarecrow
And then after that, I have no clue.

Friday August 22rd: Run in Cville
At this point, I had gotten into a good routine with working out. I planned another run prior to going away for the weekend. This time I knew that I could workout while I was away, and planned on being pretty active. I had only a little over a week before the Cville 4 Miler, and needed to get my butt in gear!

Saturday August 23rd: Run at Bethany Beach
While visiting my parents at their beach house in Bethany, Delaware, I planned a 3 mile run. As soon as I got back from that, my mom asked if I wanted to go on a walk/run with her. I knew that it would be more walking than running, so figured why not? I ran 3 miles first (stopped at exactly 3.00), and then walked/jogged 2.32 miles with my mom. Even though the weather shows that it was sunny, I ended up getting rained on about halfway through my run. I was a little afraid that I would have to stop on the boardwalk and take cover, but it stopped as suddenly as it started.

The pace for my run was 10:05 (3 miles in 30:14), and the average pace for our walk/job was 15:56.

Sunday, August 24th: Yoga at Bethany Beach
I planned on doing some yoga with my mom at the beach. I brought my yoga mat (at this point, still without the carrying strap), and told her to bring the matching yoga mat I got her for her birthday. The problem was that I didn't have anything planned, so I had to spend some time looking on youtube for yoga videos. We finally found one, and it went at an EXTREMELY fast pace! I liked the sequence, but I would have liked spending more time in each of the poses. We got pretty sweaty for just 20 minutes of yoga!

Tuesday August 25th: Run at Madhouse
Right after we got back from the beach, I came down with a cold. I REALLY didn't want to do any running, but Joey convinced me to get another run in before the race. I went to the gym, and did a total of 3.5 miles. I ran 2 miles, then took a quick bathroom break. I ran another mile, then needed a walk break. After that, I finished up with another 1/2 mile. I had an average pace of 10:40.

August Running Total:
20 miles

That's right, I ran only 20 miles in the entire month of August. May through July were even more pitiful. Obviously I didn't really train for the Women's 4 Miler (recap post coming soon), so I didn't set my expectations high at all. 

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